Is it Kaui, Kaua`i or Kauai?

Is it Kaui, Kaua`i or Kauai?

In the case of the spelling and pronunciation for Kaua`i, use of the okina between the ‘a’ and the ‘i’ is considered the most correct way of spelling and it designates the correct way of pronouncing our island’s name. Kauai, spelled without the okina, is often used on web sites so that search results are more successful. Kaui is a misspelling. This is a common mistake as its similar to the spelling for Maui. Those who have never been to Kaua`i often use the term kaui when they are first searching for Kauai real estate or other Kaua`i related information.

How do you pronounce Kaua`i?

The right pronunciation of Kaua`i, is similar to pronouncing the sounds ‘cow-wa-ee’ with the ‘cow’ and the ‘wa’ flowing together and a glottal stop before pronouncing the ‘ee,’ which is why the okina is included. Some islanders pronounce Kaua`i as ‘cow-eye’ with an accent on the second syllable.

Our staff at Bali Hai Realty can help you with pronunciation of Kaua`i’s place names and colloquialisms. Don’t be afraid to ask. As you come to know and love Kaua`i you’ll recognize the beauty and flow of Hawaiian words and names.